All images in this website belong to me, Lisa Berkshire
No images can be screen-shotted, copied, traced or used in any way to create an image or images to be used commercially by a person other than me. My image making ability is the way I make my living and it is an ability I have worked on for years. Any success that comes from the images that I create is the result of this concerted effort over decades. It is not for an outside party to take any of the designs to use for their own gain without my permission.
I love to work with different people and companies, and to supply a licence to those parties to use my imagery for a mutually commercially profitable end, but those parties need full and written permission from me to do so. The agreement and licence to use my images would include agreements on initial fees, any ongoing fees and royalties, the usage of the images - whether they are to be used for a one-off project in a short time span, or for a growing range with many applications over a long period of time (and anything in-between).
I have created this website to attract attention, commissions and opportunities to work with third parties for mutual commercial gain, so if you are interested in discussing a licence to use any imagery or intellectual property in this website please get in touch with me via the contact form, or by using the email and mobile number at the bottom of the site. I look forward to hearing from you.